Economic & Market Report: Outlook 2024 – 3/4 Pole
Hard to believe the first quarter of 2024 is drawing to a close. As we pass the 3/4 pole in our 8 furlong race through the calendar year, it is worthwhile to assess the key market events that are now behind us and what lies ahead in the horse race to the year-end finish line. Starting gates. A key market …
Economic & Market Report: Winners & Contrarians
A fresh new calendar year is underway for capital markets, so much focus is on what we can reasonably expect in the year ahead. But given that capital market movements flow across the beginnings and ends of our calendar pages, it is worthwhile to consider as investors get back up to speed from the holiday season what segments of the markets have been winning thus far, and what areas of the market may have been left behind and offering potential opportunity depending on how events unfold in the weeks ahead.
Economic & Market Report: Setting The Bar
A New Year is underway for capital markets, and the consensus prognostications are tilted toward a favorable year for both stocks and bonds.